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The MSF Academy started its activities in Yemen in November 2022, with an initial assessment in Aden previous to the implementation of the Basic Clinical Nursing Care learning programme. The hospital targeted for the implementation of the programme is Aden Trauma hospital.

In Aden, the implementation of the programme started in July 2023, with around 65 learners.

Future learners completing a knowledge test as part of the competency gap assessment, Aden, Yemen, 2023. ©MSF

With the start of the first project in Yemen, the MSF Academy is implementing the Basic Clinical Nursing Care programme for the first time in Arabic. For this purpose, the curriculum was translated and proofread, and the images included in the learning material were contextualised.

Since the results of the initial assessments showed that the level of knowledge and competencies of the learners was higher than in other projects where we implemented the programme, a contextualised case-based approach was developed. The implementation took 12 months in this case, instead of the usual 24 months.