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L’initiative d’Apprentissage de la Résistance aux Antimicrobiens vise à améliorer la gestion de la résistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM) dans les structures soutenues par MSF grâce à la formation et au renforcement des compétences des superviseurs de la prévention et du contrôle des infections (PCI) et des points focaux du bon usage des antimicrobiens (BUA).

La résistance aux antimicrobiens est une priorité centrale pour les départements médicaux et opérationnels de MSF, car la résistance aux antimicrobiens se propage rapidement et affecte la morbidité et la mortalité de nos patients actuels et futurs. L’initiative d’apprentissage sur la RAM a été lancée en 2021 et propose deux programmes en anglais et en français : Supervision et control de la PCI et Bon usage des Antimicrobiens.

Grâce à ces programmes de formation de neuf mois, les superviseurs PCI et les points focaux BUA acquièrent les compétences pratiques et les connaissances nécessaires pour mettre en œuvre une stratégie PCI ou BUA au sein de leur hôpital et soutenir le personnel de MSF dans les meilleures pratiques.

The AMR learning initiative in numbers

Healthcare workers
Countries where we have
active learners
Learners currently
following a programme  

L'initiative d'apprentissage de la RAM en chiffres

For both profiles, an e-learning course has been developed in partnership with the British Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC). The content was organized with the input and validation from the MSF subject matter experts and, at the end of the course, an accredited diploma from the Royal College of Pathologists is provided to all graduates.

Both programmes are organized as blended learning and are available via the MSF Tembo learning platform. They comprise a mix of self-learning, webinars and online sessions. To assure a good quality of learning, the participants are supported and guided in their learning by a team of expert clinical mentors, that play a central role in the delivery of these courses, with group and one-to-one sessions, and clinical cases. The clinical mentoring supports the learners to transfer the acquired knowledge into practical skills and competencies.


The curriculum

IPC Supervision & Management

Module 1: Raising awareness on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) & IPC

Module 2: Implementing & monitoring IPC in clinical practice: Standard and Transmission-based precautions

Module 3: Implementing and managing an IPC programme

Module 4: Optimizing built environment and IPC materials use

Module 5: Implementing HAI surveillance and contributing to outbreak management

Antimicrobial Stewardship

Module 1: Raising awareness on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) & AMS

Module 2: Identifying micro-organisms and their resistance patterns

Module 3: Using antimicrobials appropriately

Module 4: Implementing an Antimicrobial Stewardship Programme

Module 5: Contributing to diagnostic stewardship, HAI surveillance & outbreak management

Une superviseuse de la PCI, qui participe au programme RAM, au travail. Jahun, Nigeria, 2023. © Thomas Cytrynowicz
Une superviseuse de la PCI, participant au programme RAM, lors d'une session de formation en ligne. Jahun, Nigeria, 2023. © Thomas Cytrynowicz

Recruitment of participants

The number of participants in each group is determined by the AMR Learning initiative. In each MSF Operational Center, a Learning and Development representative is involved in selecting the participants in coordination with the AMR advisors and IPC technical referents and the projects in the field. The MSF Academy then coordinates the final selection with the Operational Centers.